Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


i'm dead... there are a lot of reasons for me to be "dead" right now... First of all, I'm supposed to be asleep already! But no... I'm still bloggin'! Next, I spilled water on the floor...


Droplets splattered on the keybored of my laptop... and then darkness prevailed on the screen... TWICE. I hope nothing serious happened, or else I'd have to send this again to the technicians... And my dad won't allow me to use this again.


Because I already broke it last time...
Anyways... I'm too sleepy to really talk with sense... So here are snippets of what transpired today. First of all...


We didn't attend the Chinese grad practice because of some private matters to be settled... It's no use attending anyway. It's just too boring and believe it or not, brain exhausting to sing the same song over and over and over again. We're allowed to have 3 absences anyway so I still got 2 left. Tomorrow is our graduation mass. Well, in 6 hours to 7 hours to be exact. So now I really have to sleep... but there's still one thing.

Today (yesterday. it's 1 am) was Jill's birthday. 18th. It was fantastic. I had so much fun! And she looked really wonderful. I didn't quite understand what went on with the games, sort of a blind date thing, but all in all it's good. The party's just simple, not that many people, so all of us felt right at home. (Maybe because there were also 4 beds there... we had a pillow fight. Well, atan n me did. Haha. Including Gerard, who was meowing like a... cat?! Duh. Hehe.) The food was delicious too. Now that made me excited for my own 18th birthday... But I don't wanna be an adult yet... I still have 4 months of minor responsibilities. More later... Including pictures. So... nyty nyt nyt everyone! Wake me up when you do!

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