Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Yep, I’ve got lots of flab. Haha!

Why talk about this? Well, I’m kinda bored and I just ate 3 pieces Chicken Joy with my brother (he ate three too, there were 6 in all). For three days straight, we’ve been patronizing 24-hour delivery service. Monday and Tuesday we had McDonald’s. I sort of got addicted to fries for 2 days. ( Last Monday, the delivery arrived really really late, like, 2 hours after we called because they only had one rider available. Poor rider. He must be sooo tired.

My bro and I were planning on having this 3-day diet thing where you lose 10 lbs instantly. We wanted to do it because we ate about 20 pounds of food in the last 5 days. And we’re about to consume another 20 in 2 days. New Year’s Eve!

So anyway, I cleaned out my babies’ box. They drink a LOT. I just changed their bottle a few hours ago and now it’s empty again. I think they’re gonna grow like Rabbit. She was over a foot long when she lies down and she had a double chin! My baby bunnies are just so adorable. Sometimes they scratch and jump around the box. They make me jump in the middle of the night. Cute little things.

Now, I’m going to go and make myself a cup pf instant hot choco with marshmallows! (

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I have baby rabbits in my room!

They’re oh so adorable! There are two of them, a girl and a boy. One is white, one is gray. I don’t know which one’s a girl and which one’s a boy.

My brother brought them home Christmas Eve. I think they’re a gift from his girlfriend. Last time, we had rabbits too. The first one was also from his gf and was also a Christmas gift. And then the next one… I don’t know, but they’re from the same person. The second rabbit died because of an infection on its nose. I think it was a he. The first one was a she. The first one’s name was Rabbit, the second one’s Bai Tu (that’s white rabbit in Chinese!)! So Bai Tu died months ago, when I was still in 4th year high school because of an infection on his nose. Rabbit died I think 2 months ago. I really don’t know the cause, but she just got really sick but the helpers downstairs didn’t even tell us that she’s ill. My brother was so upset when he learned that the just threw Rabbit’s corpse out. He was planning on burying her properly.

The new rabbits however, are in perfect health! They’re so baby! They’re just 2 months old, and they’re kind of scared of my brother and I, especially the gray one. When we try to hold him/her, s/he jumps away! S/he’s so jumpy! We called the white one White Boy (though we’re not sure if it’s a girl or a boy) and the gray one Black Guy. Whatever their gender is, those are their names. Hahaha!

They eat a lot, and drink even more! Well, we placed a mini doggie dish inside their box (their cage isn’t made yet) but they keep on tipping it over so now rabbit pellets are scattered all over the floor with their poop. Eew. I’ll have to clean that out. I don’t want to think that they’re mistaking their own poop for food.

I'll post their pics when I get my digicam back. :)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Fourth Day of Christmas

I’m too sleepy to do any serious blogging right now…
I know I haven’t updated for almost a week.
I had papers.
I have papers until the end of time.
Just ask Mysh.

So anyway, Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sooo very excited! Truthfully, the excitement I’ve been feeling for the past 2 weeks kinds wore off, I don’t know why, but I’m waiting for it to come back. I just know it will.

I just came back from Greenhills Night Market awhile ago. It was packed! I could barely move. This afternoon when I napped, it was so chilly! I love it! I didn’t have to turn on the aircon. And I was wearing sando and shorts and no blanket. When I woke up, I was frozen.

So as promised, here are the things I’m thankful for today. This is for the 22nd.

Jacket – keeps me warm
Yahoo Messenger – send a message and be connected forever! (ok, cheesy)
McDonald’s Jelly Sundae – it’s delish! I swear! Try it!
Fudgee Bars – choc-choc-chocolate with every bite!
Dinggo the dog – he’s the most adorable dog in the whole wide world!
Softball – this…I wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for this
DVDs – entertainment for just 70 pesos!
Internet – or else how would I be blogging?
Alarm clocks – keeps me from being late…sometimes
Chocolate – good for the heart, good for me!
Cake – I wanna make one
Funny shows – relief in a world of bulls***

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Ninth Day of Christmas

I'm writing Christmas cards tonight. Tons of it!

I feel like an elf. :(

But I love writing, so that's okay! I'm just scared that I won't be able to finish everything by Monday, with 3 more papers to submit and all...


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is shortlisted for an Oscar on Best Visual Effects!


"Do the Hippogriff" is longlisted for Best Original Song for a Montion Picture.

I'm sooo excited for them! It's time they win an award, they deserve it! They've got tough competition though (King Kong and Narnia) but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

So for today, here's my list:

J.K. Rowling - writer of the best series ever (no matter what anybody says!)
Harry Potter books - my home
Harry Potter movies - they make me have something to look forward to!
The cast and crew of HP movies - great job guys, right from the start!
HP merchandise - they help me show that I'm proud to be a HP fan!
Warner Brothers - for making my world come to life
Pancit Canton - yummy!
Cooking Shows - although they make me constantly hungry, I still love watching them.
Text messaging - a simple way of showing care :)
Snail Mail - for me, this is a more special way of letting someone know that you care. it takes more time, it means more love. :)
Christmas Carols - I just love listening to them... makes me tingle and warm all over!
The Rat Pack - best singers of all time...their Christmas album is wonderful!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Tenth Day of Christmas

Today's a really exceptional day. Well, nothing life changing happened to me, just something that made my heart beat a million beats per second.

No, I didn't meet Prince William.

I had an 8:30 am class, but I couldn't get up. Too sleepy. So I decided to cut that and just go to the 10:30 class because it's the important one anyway for we had a long test. So I got up at 9 and finished preparing at 10 and went to school. I usually get to school in 30 minutes or less. But I don't know what's wrong with this day. The traaffic's sooooo heavy! Every street we slipped into was clogged. ARGH!

I got to school at 11.

Can you believe that?! And the class ends at 11:30, but the bell rings at around 11:25 so I only had a little less than 25 minutes to take the test! It's lucky my prof allowed me to take it. Thank GOD!!! And I usually get home in 45 minutes to 1 hour, but I got home in 1 hour and 30 minutes today!


So today, I have lots of things to be thankful for, but here is the top 12:

My Physics teacher - for being uber understanding!
Fried chicken - the best food ever!!!
Chicken pops - the best food in popcorn form!
Converse - Chuck Taylors are the best!!!
Spongecola - I saw them!!! Up close!!! No, didn't get an autograph.
Eye glasses - wouldn't be at SM and see Spongecola if not for them! (they're my mom's btw)
Friendster - kahit gasgas na, still it keeps me connected to my long lost (ok, that's exag) friends!
Digital cameras - just click and click, no film wasted!
Phones with built-in cams - I miss my 7650...
Email services - but I think owl post is better
24-hour delivery - I'll never get hungry ever again! (except when I don't have money...)
4A - never forgetting the spirit

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Eleventh Day of Christmas

Ok, I've gotta make this quick 'coz I still got an outline to make and a long test to study for!

Today, I'm thankful for:

Basketball - I'm actually getting my needed workout!
TV - entertainment!!! and it helps me sleep!
Blogs - or else where will I be writing this?
Water - I can't make iced tea without it
Blockmates - it's good to have somebody
Car - I seriously don't know how to commute
Driver - because I don't know how to drive
Dreams - entertainment during sleep!
My journal - I love writing nonesense
Free cuts - teachers get lazy too!
Remote control - I love tv, but I'm too lazy to go near it and click dials
Moon - it's so pretty and beautiful and romantic...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Twelfth Day of Christmas

It is.

Yes it is!

It's officially CHRISTMAS!!!

It's twelve days before Christmas, and only a week before break! Woohoo! I've just been shopping awhile ago for gifts and such. Hopefully my friendsd aren't expecting anything big this Christmas because I'm totally broke now. I seriously don't know where all my allowance had gone. I bet half of it on food. I've been baking, and potluck and people debut-ing here and there... Yep. No money at all.

So this Christmas, I've decided on something. Instead of waiting for gifts, I think I'd be thankful of twelve things each day. So today, I'm thankful for:

My mom - the giver of allowance
My dad - the earner of my allowance
My brother - one of the reasons all my allowance is gone
The oven - for baking
Nanay - who goes with me wherever I go
Allrecipes.com - where I get delish recipes
Christmas cards - because they're oh so cute!
Christmas tree - I love decorating and looking at it
Wrappers - cheaper than paper bags
Colored pens - colors everywhere!
Cellphone - who can live without it?
Credit card - I never run out of emergency cases!