Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Yep, I’ve got lots of flab. Haha!

Why talk about this? Well, I’m kinda bored and I just ate 3 pieces Chicken Joy with my brother (he ate three too, there were 6 in all). For three days straight, we’ve been patronizing 24-hour delivery service. Monday and Tuesday we had McDonald’s. I sort of got addicted to fries for 2 days. ( Last Monday, the delivery arrived really really late, like, 2 hours after we called because they only had one rider available. Poor rider. He must be sooo tired.

My bro and I were planning on having this 3-day diet thing where you lose 10 lbs instantly. We wanted to do it because we ate about 20 pounds of food in the last 5 days. And we’re about to consume another 20 in 2 days. New Year’s Eve!

So anyway, I cleaned out my babies’ box. They drink a LOT. I just changed their bottle a few hours ago and now it’s empty again. I think they’re gonna grow like Rabbit. She was over a foot long when she lies down and she had a double chin! My baby bunnies are just so adorable. Sometimes they scratch and jump around the box. They make me jump in the middle of the night. Cute little things.

Now, I’m going to go and make myself a cup pf instant hot choco with marshmallows! (

1 comment:

Tiff k said...

Happy New Year! Here's a gift for u!!! http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y73/jynxpanda/newyear.gif
Wahh need to lose weight toooo.... hehe good luck to us! and what's that diet called? hehehe