Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Latest news on Goblet of Fire

Hmm... This blog is turning into a fan site don't you think? Hehehe! I'm wondering if I'll get into trouble... Anyhow, it brings me much pleasure to inform the world (which consists of the very few people who visit my blog) about the latest comings of the fourth installation of the Potter movies, entitled...

Cool Huh?

In this movie, Harry faces tougher tasks. It gets more physical in this, and in my opinion, more enchanting because the book showcased all the magical maneuvers that ever existed in my twisted imagination and even more. Whoever read the
fourth book doesn't need to hear (or in this case read) my ramblings on how great this movie is going to be. Hopefully it's better than what Cuaron did.

The teaser trailer of GoF was just released a few days ago and it can be viewed here.

For your viewing pleasure, and for those whose downloading capabilities are as swift as a turtle's, I uploaded some screencaps of the teaser trailer. Some of these images are already at the top of this page (if you took time to look at my wonderful header banner). Some are fresh looks.


It has been confirmed that Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played Harry in all four of the Potter movies (if you don't know this, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!), will indeed continue to bring joy to millions of people by portraying the wizard with an attitude until the fifth movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which will probably be showing in 2007.

The official site for this movie Goblet of Fire is already available. It has a humongous teaser poster with a really cool foggy mysterious look to it. Haha!

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