Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Morning Terrors

I've always considered it a gift, my ability to remember almost every dream I have (in detail). I generally like my "head movies" (stolen from Tropic Thunder. Heehee.) However, there are times when I wish I didn't. It's not about nightmares. As far as those go, I have them at least once a week. The night before last, I had a dream that I was in my high school classroom with people (some of them former classmates) and it was nighttime. I don't know why, but everybody just got up and danced the Macarena. WTF right? Afterwards, we settled down for some film viewing. It was a film called "DV from Underground". I have no idea what DV stands for. Like, in mini DV maybe? I got the feeling (in the dream) that DV was some sort of virus. Death Virus maybe. Haha. Anyway, there. And then the movie opens with a shot of a huge room filled with hospital beds, like some sort of evacuation center or hospital for soldiers in a war. There. And then the shot zoomed in on this one bed where a soldier was lying dead and a cheerleader (wearing a uniform much too much like Claire's from Heroes) was on top of him taking a bite out of his face. Hmm. Zombie movies. Even in dreams, huh?

So anyway, there. That wasn't exactly a nightmare but I do have those often so I'm not very bothered by them (there are some exceptions though). But the kind of dreams that I truly detest are the ones that scream "YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS IS SCREWING WITH YOU!!!" They're the obviously the wish-fulfilling execution of that part of your head. You know it will NEVER happen so your brain thinks, hey, let's make it happen in dreamland. At least it would seem real for awhile. Give her a little taste of what it can never be. It won't hurt.

Shut up, brain.

You see, that's what's totally wrong with it. They say that dreams are supposed to help resolve unresolved or unrealized issues during conscious hours. In my case, the dreams are what cause the issues. I mean, for example, don't let me dream that we were given a free cut in a class where a torturous long test was scheduled because when I wake up, I'd still be feeling what I felt in the dream (ecstatic and super relieved) and I'd be in that mood so when the day doesn't (obviously) go as the dream did, I'd be more upset than if I didn't dream that dream because it would've given me hope.

Am I making sense here?

How many times my mood was influenced by my dream, I don't know. Well I mean, not directly influenced but a teeny tiny factor to my cheeriness or grumpiness or depressed state or whatever. Have you ever heard of "nadala lang ng panaginip"? I bet not. That might be unique to me. I don't know if this is possible, but could my interests (and other stuff) be influenced by what I dream about? Usually it's the other way around. But recent reflections show that the first option may in fact be true.


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