Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009


The hurting in my throat has subsided, but now all the phlegm have turned into SIPON. Goodness. I have a huge head cold now. My eyes are starting to water and balled up tissue now litter the base of my monitor. I hope this goes away soon.

Wow, credits are rolling again. That's officially the third time I watched Men In Black this Christmas break. If they show Transformers again, I'd watch that too, and that'd be, what, the fourth time this break? And also Spiderman 3.

I haven't even done the compulsory movie marathons of breaks. There are a lot of trilogies and movie series to marathon. What I wanted to do was the usual LOTR and Harry Potter (the latter would literally take all day. 2.5 hours x 5 movies plus food and bathroom and nap breaks), but I could also do X-Men and Spiderman and the old Superman movies. What else do we have anyway?

Pfft. Okay. I have two more days. I'm going back to reading through my watery eyes now.

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