Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

I'm so happy that I do not need to see the office today. Not that I hate it, but I've been there every single day for the past two weeks. True, we went to Baguio for a few days but it still felt like being in that office.

So today, I'm cherishing every moment that I'm away from there. Even if I still can't escape text messages regarding work, at least I can think about solutions in a different environment. Feels refreshing. :)

On the other hand, I only have maybe a couple of weeks to spend in that blue room. We're moving to another location early September, according to my boss. I'd really like to be excited about it. I mean, that new place would give our agency a little bit more credibility. We'd actually feel like a real agency. But leaving the old place means leaving six months of memories behind. It's leaving half a year of friendship. As much as I hate to admit it, I will surely miss some people. Some more than others.

But oh well, I guess this means I'm moving forward in my career. The past week and a half have been surreal. I am overworked and underpaid and hopefully it's worth the sacrifice.

I remember the time when I was seriously considering quitting this job. I really wanted to be self-employed. I still do. But the past week has ignited in me some sort of purpose. I was made to do things out of my job description. It was difficult but I knew that it was for the greater good of the company. That this would be our big break - the opportunity to prove to everybody that we're capable of more than they'll ever know.

Recently, I've been re-evaluating plans I've already made before I got this job. I was gonna experience life abroad. I was gonna expand my horizons. I still really wanna do that, but it's not that easy anymore. I've become attached. It sucks, but I have. Hell, when I first came in, I was only gonna give it 3 months and then I'm gone. But maybe God gave me crazy (in a good way) officemates for a purpose. There were times of self doubt and insecurities but now I'm just chillin'. I can't imagine working with anyone else but them.

And then there's... Well, yeah. That's another matter.

So right now, as I sit here in my brother's business thinking of ways on how to improve it, I try to also think about the future. Where will I be 5 years from now? Will I have done things that I've always wanted to do like handle my own business and study abroad? (my dad was suggesting that I pick apples in Austalia for a living. Sounds nice and peaceful.$ Or would I have succumed to the comfort of a steady employment? I really am not sure right now. I hate breaking my plans but if better things could be had, then why not?

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