Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Let's Do Charity!

I've just been watching tv, and then this commercial (i think) came on about Bantay Bata 163. There were 2 mothers carrying their infant children on their laps. These children have swollen noses. I mean, the lumps were HUGE!!! I think it's called ...I forgot. Sorry...bad memory! Hehe! Basta it starts with the letter "M". I can't help but to feel sorry for these children. And to think that they're only that little... I want to help. I want to donate. Yeah, I've said this loads of times before, and yet, I still haven't done anything. Except for the Pondo ng Pinoy. That was required in school so I had to... I'm not as charitable as I thought I was.

I read in a magazine, there's this girl who wanted to go to Spain badly because of this World Youth Festival. It was her dream. She had attended the previous WYF in China, and she said that she found out that she's really good at communicating with people of different cultures. She wanted to find out more about herself, that's why she wanted to go to Spain. And then people started to respond positively to her blog! They paid her in exchange for a good deed like visiting an orphanage and community service. Some people just donated. And in three weeks time, she earned the money she needed!

So I thought, I'm addicted to blogging right now. And I spend a lot of time and money (for prepaid cards) just to get online... Tamad kasi ako ngayon magsulat sa regular diary ko eh hehe! So I figured na I can make a difference while doing something I like!

Summer break's coming. In a week or so, I'll be back here in my room bumming around, waiting for my college days to start. I'm sure all of us are saving up for those cute bikinis and suntan lotions for the beach. Me, I'm saving up 'coz I heard Usher's coming to town! Yeah! I'm a concert bum! But maybe, just maybe, we could sacrifice a little for those who are really in need. Save that 10 pesos you're gonna spend for DIC (dirty ice cream) or that 100 pesos for a set of cute earrings. Maybe we could just do this for a week, maybe...this Holy Week? It's supposed to be a week of sacrifice right? With that little sacrifice, it'll go a long long way, maybe even save a life! Yeah I know it's hard, I haven't even done it yet! So maybe if I had someone else with me, than I'd have the motivation to do it. Look at what sacrifice did to Constantine, it made him welcome to heaven once again! *oops, spoiler for those who haven't seen the movie yet!* ;)

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