Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Making Dreams Come True...

Wow, almost a week that I didn't write a new post! Hmm... Busy? Duh, no... Hahaha! I had a long long weekend last week, and that kind of set me in the "vacation" mood because the long weekend started last Thursday... so there. I'm in my vacation mood. Then Friday, my brother went to Mimosa (not sure if that's the right spelling) with his whole barkada, and they stayed there until Sunday. So I got bored last Friday, I went to my bro's room, and looked for DVDs. Nope, there aren't any good ones I haven't watched yet. So... I turned to his VCD collection. As my DVD player isn't working, (it refuses to open its ickle plate thing where you put the cd) I hauled my brother's player from his room to mine.

Success. I managed to connect the new player, wires and all.

So what movie will I watch?

I rummaged through the whole CD case... And I ended up watching Princess Diaries 2, becasuse I was in the mood for "feel good" movies... You know, yung hindi na kailangang mag-isip. Haha! So that's the story behind my weird magical, princessy, fairytale-ish state since Friday. I am soooo weird! I don't know why it took me this long to like fairytales. I'm supposed to be into fairytales when I was...4 or something. But I don't have a favorite Disnay princess like all the other girls, until now. If asked, well... the only fairytale Disney princess movie that I saw was Beauty and the Beast. So I guess I prefer Belle.

Well, it isn't exactly the "prince charming" that I like about it. I'm talking about Princess Diaries 2. Yeah, Lord Nicholas and Duke Andrew Jacoby were two gorgeous guys, but I liked the way of living more. The culture, the formality, the wackiness behind closed doors, the beautiful setting, and of course... the gorgeous outfits!!! Ok, so I know I'll never be like Mia. Duh, I'd have to be royal to have that kind of life. But... well, a girl can dream...

And now, I have to go, so that I can make a more possible dream of mine come true: pass my first term in college!!!!!!

Tell me, who's your favorite Disney princess? Whehehehehe! :p

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