Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Feeling Shitty

Wow, another month had passed. Well, almost.


It's almost 3 AM and I'm still awake. I have to get to school at around 6:30 AM tomorrow. What the hell am I doing up?

One thing, I'm finishing the freaking story I was plugging in the previous post. Yeah, I thought a week should do it, but it's almost a month and I haven't finished yet. It's looking like it'll extend until 20 chapters. Great.

I can't really be vivid here because blog hunters prawl in the shadows. They might see this, and identify me as me, so I can't really diss any real people here. All I wanna say is, well, related to the title. This afternoon, in school, I was doodling, and suddenly I got called for recitation. I had no idea what I was going to say. I tell you, the person standing in front wasn't someone you'd gladly have tea with, if you know what I mean. So yeah, I hope I didn't get on that person's bad side, or else I might me looking into summer school as early as this month. I'm kinda scared, so I'm feeling shitty. It's my fault I let my head float in the clouds, knowing that someone's bound to be watching me. I'll keep my nose clean this time and pay attention and never be late again (except maybe on tuesdays and thursdays).

On a happier note, Lee Dong Wook, my love, is here in my home country. I am ecstatic! I'm planning on finding out where he's staying and stalk him until he leaves, but, that's Julianne's work (if you haven't read the story I plugged, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about so go click it now!). I need a Kash to be with me, and hopefully get that snowy moonlight kiss, too. But we don't have snow here so...so much for that.

I've got a new phone, nothing fancy, but it has a camera so I'm uber happy with it. Finally, after a year and a half of being left behind in techies, I'm finally back in the game. That mobile phone photo contest just sounded a bit more interesting now that I have the cam phone.

Anyhoo, toodleoo to all of you. I need to shut my eyes now 'coz my head is starting to throb. Hoorah for the newly-fixed internet connection.

'Til next!

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