Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Three Day Break---> SALAMAT!!!

It's the start of my three-day break that I've been waiting for for two weeks...

Thank Goodness!!!

But no, it's not gonna be all fun fun fun this weekend, though. I've already got a list of things to do. Notes to make, articles to read, research to...search for? Wha? Okay, my brain isn't working that weel...It's almost 2 am and I'm really tired. I've been staying in school until 6 pm this whole week (except Tuesday). Orgs, group consultations, more org stuff...

Stress is killing me.

Right now, we've got an abundant supply of green tea because my dad was given a ton of them as presents. My brother and I have been chugging gallons of tea like it's water. I'm expecting to have a better complexion and an improved digestive system in a month. Green tea has antioxidants, right? Yeah.

A prof of mine asked the class the other day, if this was a perfect world, what would you be doing right now?

Well, my answer would be... If this was a perfect world, I would've been the one who wrote Harry Potter! Haha! I'd be J.K. Rowling, except that I'd be me, and look like Angelina Jolie with a Brad of mine. I'd also be helping out in Africa or here, in the Philippines ('coz I'd be based in London, haha!). I'd also be a top advertising person or magazine editor like Jennifer Garner in 13 going on 30. With that fantastic fashion sense, too, and money to buy clothes. And then I'd be secretly a superhero with magical powers (I really want a wand)... Or maybe that's too cheesy. Basta, I'd have the power to alleviate poverty, maybe even completely eliminate it.

Okay, I'm not making sense anymore. My brother is watching On the Line again.

I promise to write a more intellegible post next time when I get my brain back.

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