Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I'm Getting Married!

To whom?

I don't know.

I caught this though:

Preferably to John Cena.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to frisk him... *naughty wink*

Anyway, in a couple of days I'd be gone for a whole week to an internet-free zone. I'd be ripped out of civilization!!! Goodness.

At least I'd have my cellphone...

I went to watch WWE Armageddon 2006 awhile ago with my friends. Gawd, it's wonderful to just sit in an almost empty movie house and scream stupidity with buddies. It's...liberating. What feels greater is that I finally had people watch wrestling with me and actually enjoy it. It's really sad to really love something and have nobody to share the joy with. That's why I bought a complete set of HP books and sent it to my cousins for Christmas. It's my joy; I want it to be theirs, too.

I've been looking for Christmas specials but I haven't found any... :( I hope tomorrow I'd be able to catch some...

Well, gotta go now... Gotta face another boyfriendless Christmas.

I WILL marry John Cena someday though.

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