Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, December 31, 2007

I've Got an Hour and a Half...

And I'm still 8 posts away from my goal! Argh!!!

Another un-holiday-ish post for you guys. Because of all the new horror stuff that I found, I remembered some of my old bookmarked ones and went back to check them out.

Sad to say that one of them (Bitten ~ Behind the Horror Show) is somehow gone already. It was a really cool horror movie review blog, and I think they did book reviews too. I found the website that the blog was dedicated to here, but its last update was way back in 2006! I did look around and I think it's still worth a visit. There are really cool Asian horror films I've never seen before there.

Now for my "serial killer" phase --> Dead Silence. I was researching about Jack the Ripper a year ago for history class and I stumbled upon this blog about serial killers! I know it's kind of creepy that I enjoy reading this, but really, it's quite interesting. I thought serial killers were really rare, but because of this blog I discovered that they're actually abundant even today.

There's even an 8-year-old serial killer! Can you believe that?! What kind of twisted world do we live in? And the profiles are kind of helpful too. I mean, you can't be too careful, right? It says there that "organized" serial killers can live two separate lives, and no one is the wiser. One man is described by his wife as "the perfect husband" or something. They had a great marriage, and then lo and behold, he turns out to be a serial killer. Man. And also, there are some people who actually collect serial killer memorabilia like their toe clippings and sketches from inside their cells and stuff. It's really disgusting when you think about it, but to each his own, yeah?

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