Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

David Cook WINS!!!

My head still hurts because of all the screaming I did awhile ago when Seacrest said "COOK!" after taking his sweet time to look at the result card.

I seriously did not expect that David Cook will win. I mean, yeah, I'd love for him to win, but last night's show scared me because little David really brought it on. His first song (the one originally by Elton John) did give me shivers. I was waiting for DC to bring out something like Billie Jean or Always Be My Baby. His performances were alright, but there wasn't that certain "kick" he usually had.

So while the two Davids stood there, side by side, waiting for their fate, I was all nauseous and at the same time preparing myself, figuring out what my reaction would be if they say Archuleta won.

I totally thought DA will win!

I am so glad Cook won. I mean, for the first time since I started watching AI (started with season 3), it's the first time that the one I'm actually rooting for won. He deserved it. All of it.

Don't get me wrong, David Archuleta is a fabulous singer. He has a wonderful voice, but he's too boyband-ish for me. If I were 17 now, I would've been rooting for him. He would fit perfectly in Westlife, I swear. Simon would be glad, that's one of his bands and they're short one member. Lol. It's just that little David sings ballads all the time. I had my boyband days, believe me, I still have posters in my closet to prove that, but too much ballads is just...too much. When DA sings upbeat songs it just isn't as good as his ballads. Versatility is what he lacks. Although I do agree that he could sing a phone book and it would be lovely, but he's gonna sing a ballad phone book. However, with a little more experience, I bet he'd be great.

Still, for me, David Cook is the best this season. It's time for a rocker to win! Lol. This is the guy that can sing absolutely anything. He made me like Always Be My Baby! He can remake arrangements to suit him. He never had an awful performance. All his "not great" performances were at least above average. He took risks, and they all paid off. He's original. He's talented. He's basically just the greatest.

I read somewhere where the author thinks DC just sounds like every other rocker out there. Fine, rockers have that signature raspy grungy voice, but that doesn't mean he sounds like all of them. That's like saying Little D sounds like every other boyband/balladeer out there (which I think is not true. I could totally tell if it's DA that's singing). What I like about DC is that yeah, he has that rough side to his voice, but he has that tender side too, which can be heard in his rendition of Music of the Night. Anyone who can come close to the Gerard Butler's version deserves the title of awesome. He doesn't just scream, he can turn on a sort of falsetto during high notes. He's just really well rounded as a musician and a great guy according to Simon.

The only thing I'm worried about is that he's gonna be tied down to the AI contract now. I hope his first album won't suck. Well, he could always do what Kelly Clarkson did and "break away" in his second album. Lol.

Anyway, good luck to both Davids, really. They're the best top 2 since Bo and Carrie, and I wish they both have tremendous careers and not fade into oblivion like other Idol contestants.

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