Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, May 02, 2008

One of the Whatever Moments at Work

So far, today has been a surprisingly wonderful day! I got to work 6 minutes late (this is the fifth time I've been late, and this is the latest by far. we do have a 10-minute leeway though so I guess that's ok, but I really do try to be on time). I was kinda bummed about that because I really don't like being late, it's just that I fell asleep after having breakfast and woke up at 8:22AM! Reminder to self: NEVER SLEEP WITHOUT SETTING THE ALARM CLOCK.

So my boss won't be here the whole day which is cool 'czuse I don't really feel like working today. I will do some designing later though, when I have absolutely nothing else to do. Right now I'm busy blogging and downloading stuff. Haha. I have 7 hours to go before I have to go back to my snail-paced DSL. It's about as fast as a really good dial up. Argh.

I just wish my brother would lend me this computer for another day after he comes back, just for me to finish all the downloads here. I can't very well install uTorrent to the office laptop right? As I am installing Limewire here. Haha. I might as well download songs too.

Okay, I promise I will work seriously starting 1PM. I have two more hours to bum.

So yesterday was Labor Day, and our swimming trip pushed through after all. I was a hairbreadth away from giving up last night when my mom told me that she would also be going somewhere so she's really gonna ask the driver to come in. I thought he was supposed to have a day off. So yey, we had transportation!

I brought this huge ass ancient cooler with lots of ice and drinks. Swimming could really get someone hungry and thirsty. I don't know why but we only finished a 1.5 bottle of Pepsi, a couple of bottles of water and a sall bottle of Coke Zero. I guess we drank too much pool water? EEEWWW.

I rediscovered that I could swim yesterday. I could actually be out of reach of the sides and survive. Nothing fancy though. I just let myself float, and when I did, I just kind of moved my arms up and down and I actually went to some direction. Haha. I did inhale water often though. It hurt but oh well. At least it was cloudy and cool (thanks to Mel n Sar!) It's the best weather to go swimming for me. But I still prefer night swimming!

And after that, we ate. Dennie made tacos and barbecue. It was awesome. I absolutely love her tacos! If only I could've brought home the leftover. Haha. It;s that good. And Grace made fantastic cookies! They're big like the ones at Starbucks but wau way better. We couldn't get enough of them! It melts in your mouth! I wish she'd give me some for my birthday. Haha.

After we've polished off our plates, we laid back beside the pool and just...chilled. We talked about whatever and everything else. We even guessed which one of us is going to get married first. All I can say is that it's definitely not going to be me. I may as well be the last. I don't wanna get married soon! The earliest that I want to get married is 28 years old, no sooner. I still have a lot that I want to do. I wanna go places with my friends. I don't wanna lose my identity yet! I wanna be like the girls from Sex and the City. Free and fabulous. I mean, I do wanna find love. And based on my almost 21 years of experience, love doesn't want to find me. So how could I get married any time soon right? I don't even have someone to marry yet! I don't even have anyone to fall in love with!

Although there's Jon Avila. He goes to church every Sunday (so I've heard). That's the kind of guy I'd wanna marry! And he's cute. Haha.

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