Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Won an Award!

I CANNOT believe that somebody actually thinks my blog (this one) is "smart and brilliant both in their content and their design". Wow. Seriously. I don't think I've ever said anything brilliant ever, nor does the "Halloween Land" thing come across as brilliant. My head banner kinda screams TALENTLESS AT PHOTOSHOP. Lol.

But anyway, thank you thank you thank you so much to my friend Tiffany for this award. This is my first blog award thing EVER and I absolutely love it! Thanks so much! Finally, my five years of blogging has an actual reward. Lol.


Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere. Here are the rules to follow:

1) Put the logo on your blog.

2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3) Nominate other blog (optional)

4) Add links to those blogs on yours.

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.


The thing is, I don't really read blogs. I mean, I do read blogs when I've got time to spare but I rarely read personal blogs. So I don't really know who to nominate for this. Let me think about it first and then I'll post my nominees on my next post. :)


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