Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Angels and Demons Indeed

*WARNING* Spoilers of Supernatural 4x16 


That episode was...

Okay. Deep breath.

Supernatural gets harder and harder to watch each week, not because it's getting bad (although this was sort of the case the last three or four episodes) but because of all the... pain.

Everything is just too painful! The secrets, the past, the hidden feelings, the duty and responsibility, and of course, the inevitable.

But this episode, episode 16, made up for all the less than fabulous (didn't wanna say crappy because Supernatural is, even at its worst, always an inch or more above crappy) the past month. It also made up for the month-long hiatus. This episode was simply... awesome. It revealed so much, explained a lot and of course added more pain and despair into the mix.

Why do they keep doing that to Dean?!

My thoughts while watching this episode:

  • Why does Castiel always has that expression like a puppy has just been killed? Sometimes he alternates it with looking constipated.
  • Sammy is such a dumbass/asshole and also the hottest evil dude ever. I swear, he got cuter.
  • In my opinion, Dean has every right to legally own the cry, "Why do bad things always happen to me?!"
  • And really, why does everything always happen to Dean? What did he ever do to deserve this?
  • I think I've heard this somewhere else, but it still made my "Top t-shirt-printable quotes" list:
Alister to Dean: "Go straight to Hell. Do not pass go, do not collect 200."
It's extra funny because Dean was torturing him. Okay, it doesn't sound funny right now especially with the torture thingy but really, you have to see it to get it. Or maybe I just have a weird ass sense of humor.
  • I absolutely loathe Ruby and Sam is the stupidest person in the whole world. What does he think he's doing?! Dean's right from the get go. Ruby's e DEMON. You CAN'T TRUST demons. Ever. What did he go all vampire-y for?
  • This reminds me of Harry Potter. Harry turned out to be one of the Horcruxes he was tasked to destroy. Dean turned out to have broken the first seal and consequently started the process of the apocalypse, which seals he was saved from hell for to help keep from being broken.
  • These are all some of the angels' fault.

Okay. So far that's it. I would really love to watch the next episode but I have to get up early in the morning for I have an all day seminar to attend. And it's almost 4:30AM. Hmm. Now I want my pancakes.

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