Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

My Ultimate Dream

is to watch The Undertaker win LIVE at WrestleMania.

Preferably from the front row. 

I'm watching ECW right now and they showed an "encore presentation" of the Taker vs. Michaels match last WM25. It was one of the awesomest matches I have ever seen. Just watching a montage of it brought tears in my eyes (just a teeny weeny bit anyway). Taker is just... awesome AND legendary (move over, Barney Stinson!).

I was fortunate enough to see live performances of Taker, once when I was about 6 or 7 and the second just three years ago. Man, the uproar during his entrance was totally deafening. I screamed myself hoarse. Even though I was up in Upper B (or was it Upper A? Where the hell did I keep those tickets?) and the guy beside me smelled like garbage, it was like those slow-mo movie moments when something special was happening. It's the Undertaker right there, only a few feet (and levels) away. 

Sigh. Well, this is one of those times when I'm sad because I have nobody who feels as strongly as I do about this. I can't share the glee of his return with anyone. I screamed like an adolescent at a boyband concert when he returned at SummerSlam. But I have no one who gets just how I felt. For them, it's just... I don't know, just some wrestler. But he's not. He's iconic. He's The Undertaker.

Okay, I'm ending this rant. I have five more articles to do! I don't wanna do it anymore. Ugh. But I need this. 

BTW, ECW's Christian is just so... He's like a body-slamming boy next door. He has the cutest smile and he's just so charming. Sigh. Fangirl sigh.

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