Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Writing-Induced Weird Nap-Dream

Awhile ago while I was struggling through the last 200 or so words of my last Essays.ph assignment, I decided to rest my eyes for 5 minutes. As a result of three more self-snoozing, I fell asleep.

I awoke in a dream. I knew I was in class but my classmates and I were sitting on a bed - my bed. It wasn't my room though. We were all chatting casually and I did not realize that our professor was in our midst until he let himself be known. Lo and behold, it was none other than Robert Pattinson in full Edward Cullen regala!

First off, I would like to emphasize the fact that I am not a fan of his. Well, okay, I did like him as Cedric. Just that. Okay, back to the dream.

So we were talking about something important and it turned out to be instructions for our
final project. It was a research paper. The topic, as Prof. Cullen articulated, was "Why Vampires are Awesome."

We were asked to research everything about vampires, from the iconic Dracula to the cult favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer. From there we were to choose figures that uphold the good vampire name and argue why they deserve to represent the whole, uh, species. We were also tasked to criticize ones that tarnish the image of these cunning creatures like the character of Leslie Nielsen in Dracula: Dead and Loving It

It was overall an extremely biased assignment, but we had to do it to graduate or something. After one last glittering glimpse of our disco-ball-turned-undead instructor, I woke up.

This is by far the weirdest dream I had in the midst of finishing an Essays.ph assignment. There was one involving Gerard Butler, a fishing boat, and clingy mollusks, but the details are too foggy to remember now. Writing for them really does squeeze out my creative juices, even while I am unconscious.

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