Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Gimme A Break!

I'm sorry, but this is just a heated rambling.

It's half past midnight, and I'm really sleepy, but I just have to get this off my chest.

I'm normally a cheery person, always cracking jokes, and hearty laughter issues from me often. I like being with people, as long as they're crazy like me and can handle practical jokes and jibes and stuff. I just spent the whole day with friends, and that's pretty long for me because I'm a bit of a loner. I highly value "alone time". I like having people around me to talk to, but I also love it when I'm left alone with my thoughts. Like right now, I mean, for goodness' sake, it's midnight! It's the time of day when everything's quiet, and I just love basking in the quiet, watching a good movie in really low volume or reading a good book or writing something. It's okay for me if someone goes into my room and ask me something, or chat for a while, it's really okay. But please take notice if I turn and close my eyes already, pretending to be asleep. It means that it's time to GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM! Fine, when that person comes back and sees me at my computer again, fine, I'm here again, but that's not an invitation to sit and hang around and blabber away. There's 24 hours tomorrow. Half of that time I'm available for endless chatter, but please, leave me my peace. I want this quiet time, reflecting or just plain thinking, letting my mind wander. It relaxes me. And if, after seeing me again turn and pretend to go to sleep, please, leave and never come back. Get a hint! It means that I don't want you here anymore! I'm freaking irritated! Isn't it obvious?! I'm PRETENDING to be asleep TWICE when I abviously have no intention to sleep yet, I mean, you saw me at the PC! Isn't it obvious that I was just doing that to make you leave?! Gawd.

Some people are so thick sometimes.

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