Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weekend! Hooray!

Oh man, I've been waiting for this weekend since Wednesday. I know, I know, it wasn't that long a week, but it really is for someone who just came from a two-week (still too short!) vacation. I kind of just went through the three days in a haze, lika a zombie. Waking up, going to school, sitting there taking notes and not really absorbing anything, checking my watch frequently, can't wait another minute for dismissal.

It was a good thing we had a free cut in SA yesterday, or else I would've missed another session, even though I would've been sitting right there. At 7:30 in the morning, it's not really a good time to jam my head with all that theory. I never really understood anything in SA. I get some stuff, I get the concepts, but it's not like in History where I can explain say, everything about the wives of Henry VIII.

Someone would need to explain to me exactly what we're supposed to do in the paper due this Tuesday.

So anyway, again, I'm probably gonna stay up late finishing up X-Men Evolution. It's great. I don't know why I never took interest in this before. It's actually better than the movies. Oh, hold on. Not necessarily. The movies has got Hugh Jackman, so that's a big plus... teehee.

Anyway, here's a random pic for the post.

Isn't it cool? It's a twenty-peso bill folded up a bit. I never knew Manuel Roxas looked like --->


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