Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What a sweet sweet power!

I was just watching the latest episode of heroes, and man, that new girl has a kick-ass power!

I can't remember the character's name but she's working in a fast food restaurant. And her superpower is kinda like Charlie's but for television!

Charlie's powers were when she reads something she instantly remembers it right? Like when Hiro gave her the Japanese dictionary or phrase book or something, she learns how to speak Japanese fluently right away right.

So this new girl, she just has to see something on TV, see something being done on TV and just like that, she knows how to do it.

This power is just so amazing especially for TV bums like me!!!

The first thing she learned was how to make a rose shaped tomato. You know, like gourmet stuff. So yeah, it was cool and all. But what made me write this post was the second thing she learned.

You see her brother wanted to watch this PPV of a wrestling match. They're Micah's relatives, by the way. So as you know, Micah can talk to machines and make it do what he wants it to do. So Micah rigged the cable for his cousin. And then the girl came home and saw the two boys watching a fight between Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton.

And guess what the girl saw.

That scene made me go, "No way is she gonna do that!"

But she did and it was awesome!!!

No, the RKO isn't dramatic enough.

She learned how to do the 6-1-9!

Seriously. I was like, how's she gonna do that if there are no ropes?! But then there's a pole and she swung from that and 6-1-9-ed the robber of the fast food restaurant! It was so freakin' awesome!

If I had powers like that, then I won't be here typing this. Lol. I'd be some sort of celebrity chef already 'coz I love watching cooking shows! And maybe kind of a Martha Stewart because somehow, I always end up watching her show. Or I'd be a cartoonist already because I keep on watching the toon tips on Disney Channel! Wow. If I had that power... I'd probably have an iPod by now.

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