Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Analog Heart

Here it is finally, Analog Heart by David Cook.



I'm an hour away from going home! Yey! I just wonder, why is it when I'm this near from freedom when the work comes? I'm asked to make another press release. Not that the first one sucked or anything. Well, okay maybe it did.

Today was my first meeting with a PR agent, which was not what I envisioned it to be. I thought they were gonna be all corporate and everything, which is why I chose to wear this crisp white shirt someone gave my mom. It looks so nice and corporate. But Lo and behold, it creases easily! I'd have to iron it every hour if I wanted to look crisp the whole day. When I got out of the car this morning it's already creased. Argh. So much for looking sharp.

Sp yeah, the meeting was really short, like, 10 minutes? It was very relaxed too.I guess that's because she's a classmate of my boss'. She said that a lot of cafes are opening right now so all of them are sending press releases about their opening. So I guess the first one I made wasn't technically garbage. It's just that a lot of people are writing the same thing that it wouldn't stand out anymore. Hey, PR class said that write something that's newsworthy and our opening is definitely newsworthy, with the lion dance and all. But I'm happy I learned something today: Be unique.

I actually learned something today! How cool is that?

However, I'm still hunting for my next ojt. I already called GMA and they said that they aren't accepting any more practicumers. So that sucks. So now I have my eyes on Summit Media again. I sent my resume once more but to a new contact person. They already updated their website and placed a contact specially for OJTs. Haha. That's good. This time around I'd really call. I so wanna work there.

I also want a job that would require me to give out calling cards. Haha!

Anyway, I managed to kill half an hour with this post. Man, I love this cafes DSL. 4 of the 5 episodes I'm downloading are already done, and the last one would no doubt be done just in time before I go home. This rocks. I'm gonna download everything here from now on. This would be like the pay that they don't give me. Lol.

Maybe tomorrow I'll actually download whole seasons. Haha!

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