Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I'm feeling guilty. Awhile ago, as I was waiting for the car to pick me up, I went and hung out at National Bookstore. I didn't want to hang out at Starbucks anymore since I'm trying to cut down on sweets and whatever I can ingest, basically (things are starting to get a little snug). So there. I can't eat books. I thought, okay, I can just sit in a corner and read the articles we're going to have a quiz on tomorrow. Then when I get home I can go do my other homework.

But then I saw the sale racks and went to check them out. I've looked through those before but nothing really interested me. Then I saw Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason for only 75php! That's like, even cheaper than in Books For Less or in Booksale. The really cheap books there are either yellowing already or have little tears and stuff. But these ones are in great shape. So I looked around more and found a copy of The Jane Austen Book Club. So I got that, and... 6 other books, including the novelization of the comic book miniseries 52.

It all totaled up to 485php. Wonderful! A standard paperback costs an average of 300php and these 8 books only costs 485! I used my card (which dad pays for) so I'm already guilty about that. It's only the start of February and my total swipage has already gone over... 4k, I think. Wow. Oops. But hey, around 1,300 is for gas which the whole family uses so that's not exactly a wholly personal buy. So I'm counting that out. So I've spent about 3k on myself in a week... What have I been buying?!

A pair of shoes

Yeah. That's about it. Haven't even gone clothes shopping yet. Argh. So now I have to hold off swiping for 3 weeks!!!

So anyway, I was already feeling guilty about that when the car arrived. My driver had on an AM station broadcasting the news. It was all about lay-offs and people not able to get jobs and price hikes and crying...


I bought 8 books just because I was bored and all around people are scrounging up every cent they could find because they don't have food or their mom's sick or something. And those books are probably gonna rot first in my Unread Books cabinet before I'd be able to read them.

Man, I feel terrible. And there isn't exactly a money-back policy in NBS.

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