Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aw. School.

My friends and I went back to school today. Some had to take care of some paperwork. I just went to hang out with them. We took pictures everywhere. Well, okay, there were a couple key places we failed to go to like Bellarmine Hall and the old Comm Dept. Also, Soc Sci Bldg which houses the new Comm Dept. However, I managed to take almost a hundred photos of whatevers, even random corners of the school (even the trash cans and loud speakers).

I did not cry before, during, or right after the graduation. It's a very happy time for me. I won't have exams anymore (unless I decide to pursue further studies) and no more orals. I don't have to study Theo and Philo anymore. I can read whatever I want anytime and just bum around, lie around doing nothing the whole day. I really am happy to graduate and I see no reason for crying. But my mom said that this is just because it hasn't sunk in yet. 

I kinda believe her. The other day when we bought my laptop (this one, because my desktop exploded last night), the lady attendant asked if I was still studying. My automatic yes almost came out but then I managed to catch myself. I said no. That's when it dawned on me that I am a student no longer. Right after I claimed that diploma, I stepped into the real world of being old and having to look for a job without thoroughly realizing it. Ugh. I felt so old when I said no! And now money is beginning to be an issue. I can't swipe everything and I can't keep on asking money from my parents. There are no job offers yet and the little business thingy isn't totally working. Which sucks because I already bought 50 pcs of tshirts. What am I gonna do with those if this doesn't take off?

Where will I get money?

Ugh. I don't wanna disappear into the workforce just yet. I wanna lie around and not worry a little longer. I wanna still be a kid. I hate it that I'm legally not anymore. I feel like one. I don't know what to do yet.

Pakshet. I have to go design shirts now.

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